Thursday, June 29, 2017

2017 #PitchWars #PimpMyBio

So this is me, @LynGoodpaster on Twitter, but writing under the pen name Perrin Birk, in all my not-too-proud-to-blog-hop-without-makeup glory. Holding my Sheldon Cooper doll. Because he and I have that thing in common called Asperger's. It's great for a strong work ethic and focusing on projects like writing and art, and dentistry which I used to practice. And teaching physics labs at Indiana University and biology labs at the University of Notre Dame (also in the past). But it also causes social miscues and foot-in-mouth disease, because, hard as I try, the filter sometimes slips. I'll apologize ahead of time. THE ROSIE PROJECT is a favorite book. Now you know why.

This is my first time participating in #PitchWars, which I heard about through one of last year's mentors, Jennie Nash. I've also been through #PitchMadness, #PitMad, and all the other pitching contests as a bridesmaid, never a bride. It's all good, because I've made some great friends and experienced firsthand the generosity of editors and others so willing to help. Thanks to Brenda Drake and all those who give of their time and effort to lift the rest of us to higher planes of creativity and communication.

I'm a member of the Florida Writer's Association, have been writing since 2002, attended two major writing conferences where I pitched to editors and literary agents (several requests, but no takers yet--that's why I'm here), and participated in two Donald Maass' Breakout Novel Intensive week-long writers' workshops. 

About my book: titled GHOST SAVIORS, a Literary Women's Fiction with supernatural elements at 95K. 

If you're a mentor and you've read the query and first pages, you know the general gist of the story, but it began with a kernel "What if ..." six years ago. "What if a young widow, successful outside her marriage and abused by her husband, exiled herself to heal after his death? What if the mansion where she stayed turned out to be haunted by (fill in the blank, and it's not her dead husband)? How would she and the ghost deal with it?" Ah, you didn't think I was going to spoil it, did you? 

The more I wrote and gave to friends to beta read, the more they loved Owen, her guardian ghost, and wanted me to expand his role. I pitched the idea in 2014 to an editor of a Random House imprint, and she said, "I want to know more about character X. I haven't seen anything with a character X before." So character X took on an entirely new, beefed-up role, one my book coach and I loved, and a surprise twist that caught all the betas going, "Whaaa--? Did NOT see that one coming!" 

I hope the first pages intrigue you enough to want to read more. But I also understand the subjective nature of this business. I appreciate you taking a look and giving it consideration.

Fun Facts:

My humor may be weird, but I can be fun.

1.  Two rescue chihuahuas came to live with us, decided they liked us, and have never left ... except for one near escape lasting less than a minute before said chi-chi recognized the error of his ways and immediately returned. The sharp-clawed cat is still laughing.

2. I love thrill rides, white water rafting, and fast cars. Have yet to jump out of an airplane, but that's why the future exists.

3. I sang a song from The Secret Garden in front of a crowd of over 1000 people and received a standing ovation. The crowd didn't realize I held the mic with two hands because my hands shook so badly I was afraid I'd drop the mic. 

4. I don't miss practicing dentistry. I do miss interacting with all the fascinating, diverse folks from ALL walks of life--everyone from prisoners in shackles to multimillionaires. 

Mentors, what will you get if you pick me? I think y'all are intelligent, astute people and have a fairly good picture formed already. What am I looking for? Be direct, tough, and kind. I need to know what doesn't work and why, so I can fix it. I'll work hard and give it my all to make this the best book it can be. Simple. Right? Too late. I heard you chuckle.

And because roses mean so much to my main character Krista ...

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!


  1. A pleasure to meet you! Loved reading your bio and I'm happy to know a little more about one of my OTP peers! Best of luck this PitchWars!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! All the best to you in PW too!!

  2. Nice to get to know you better on here! There aren't many of us adult fantasy authors on #pimpmybio yet, but I imagine that will change. (:

    1. Glad you stopped by to take a look! I think most of the fantasy authors are YA, from what I've seen. Which is fine ;) All the best to you in PW!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your book sounds fascinating!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for stopping by. I'll have to blog-stalk now to find your PimpMyBio!
